Love Your Cat

Go on a journey with us

and learn to take care of your cat with love.

Cat Lovers

Whereas at one time cats were mere mouse catchers, they are now much cherished and loved members of the family. Close contact with cats brings us joy. Cuddling a cat can help us live longer, lower our blood pressure, reduce stress and remain healthier. Cats are welcome additions to residential care homes and prisoner rehabilitation programmes.

By bringing these wild animals into our homes, we owe them our understanding of their natural needs. Cats continue to retain all their natural instincts when they share our domestic environment. We can observe our cat’s feline body language, and keep cats healthy with good nutrition, exercise and careful health care.

The 3 Gateros

– Lillith, Bobby, Millou

Hiya, meet Lillith, Bobby, and Millou. Lovely cats who really sparkle. Enjoy the moments with them here on the site but do not forget all their friends. All 3 Gateros have been rescued and now live a happy life in Spain, free from all the dangers cats have in this world. Sleeping, playing, sleeping and eating, is what they do and they love it. But with that, care of them and their friends is important. Learn here how to treat your cat, make your cat happy, just like Lillith, Bobby, Millou, and their friends.

Our Latest Blog Articles

Vegetables for Cats
Health Feeding

Vegetables for Cats

By 8 November 2022 0
Canned cat food is a great way to get your feline friend the nutrition they need, but it can also be a way to get them to eat their vegetables. Many brands of canned cat food contain healthy servings of vegetables and are a great way to make sure your
Cats Indoor vs Outdoor

Cats Indoor vs Outdoor

By 1 November 2022 0
Do you let your cats roam outdoors or keep them inside? The great indoor/outdoor debate has been raging for years, with passionate proponents on both sides. So, which is the best option for your cat? Here are some of the reasons why either may be suitable.
Pumpkin for Cats
Feeding Health

Pumpkin for Cats

By 24 October 2022 0
Adding pumpkin to the cat’s diet provides them with many important vitamins and minerals. There are many reasons to feed your cat pumpkin, but the best one is they will love it! Pumpkin is full of nutrients and also provides vitamins A, E and C which support your cats
Arthritis in cats
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Arthritis in cats

By 16 October 2022 0
Arthritis is a common ailment in cats, and it can be quite debilitating for them. Fortunately, there are effective treatments available and we can help cats manage the symptoms of arthritis, with a combination of medication and non-medical therapies. Keep reading for best tips on proper care and treatment to
Cats Natural Diet

Cats Natural Diet

By 13 October 2022 0
Cats are obligate carnivores, which means that their bodies are designed to digest and use only animal-based proteins. In the wild, cats typically eat small prey – rodents, birds, and reptiles – that are high in moisture. As a result, their diet is relatively low in carbohydrates and fat. When
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By 17 September 2022 0
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How can I tell from a sleeping cat that it is healthy

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Our Continental Cat Journey

Cat Lovers Join Us

Join Our Continental Cat on our continental cat welfare tour.

Together with many other cats, both young and old, we are all rescued and living a happy life, but sadly not all cats are as fortunate as us.

Let us help you to take care of your cats, our friends, even though we may not know them.

We would be happy to receive any cat story that you wish to send.

love your cat

Volunteering Experience

Our boss has been helping animal shelters as a volunteer for years and we grasp the benefit of that.

We are not alone, we are with many cats and knowing our boss, more friends will follow.

Other Experiences

We love to play with toys, we play fight and, do not tell the boss, we do also have “real” fights, every now and then, but do not tell anyone.

Oops, I forgot to tell you that we EAT a lot.

Be a Part Of

Our Love Your Cat Mission

People love cats but not all cats are treated well and that is a pity, learn with us to care for your domestic cat.

Cat Mental Health




Cats Saved

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Kittens Raised


Donations are Welcome

Volunteering in Spain

Volunteering with the local authority

In Spain, all villages and towns receive a Government subsidy to provide for the basic needs of the feral animals living in the borough.  This money is used for sterilisation, and to control the number of cats living in colonies.  Arrangements are made with the local vets so that any injured or sick animals can receive medical attention, the vet later being reimbursed by the Town Hall.   

It is often possible to obtain a licence from the Town Hall, as an Animal Protector – Protectora Animal – to feed, and sterilise the feral cats, and take them to the vet when necessary. 

To Know More

Cat Lovers Donations

I have been a licenced Volunteer Animal Protector in my village (Gata de Gorgos), for 5 years.

During these 5 years I have been feeding over 40 cats and that number is growing.

Feeding these cats costs me 55€ per month just for cat food, which is not reimbursed by the town hall.

Any donation in helping to feed the cats is welcome.

cat lovers

They Need Your Help!

Owning cats is great and good fun and we would love you to have your own cats too.

Fostering cats is a wonderful alternative until they are ready for their furever home.

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