About Our Continental Cat

We love cats and have made it our mission that domestic cats are cared for. Not everyone knows how to take care of cats, it is easy to give them food but for the majority of us, that is basically it.

There is a lot more to know about cats and with this website, we hope that you, the cat owner, get some valuable insight information about the behaviour of your cat and the best way to treat and take care of your cat..

Care of the Domestic Cat

The 3 Gateros

The 3 Gateros

Hiya, meet Lillith, Bobby, and Millou. Lovely cats who really sparkle. Enjoy the moments with them here on the site but do not forget all their friends.

All 3 Gateros have been rescued and now live a happy life in Spain, free from all the dangers cats have in this world.

Sleeping, playing, sleeping and eating, is what they do and they love it.

But with that, care of them and their friends is important.

Learn here how to treat your cat, make your cat happy, just like Lillith, Bobby, Millou, and their friends.



Lillith is an agreeable cat and a social butterfly. She gets along with everyone and is never short of a friendly meow, a raised tail, and a happy headbutt.



Bobby is an impulsive type, who reacts differently to the same situation on different occasions. He is learning to ‘get the hang’ of life, and what it throws at him. He is a mix of high energy and anxiety.



Millou is outgoing, extrovert and full of overflowing energy. He is often described as ‘nosy’, when in fact he is just curious. Millou enjoys mental stimulation and environmental enrichment.



I found Penny in the street below me, about 7 years ago. She was very pregnant, starving, and was wandering around the rubbish bins. When I saw her she jumped into my arms. She ate and ate, but unfortunately, she had been starving a long time, and it took a week for her to be able to digest food again. Two days after I had collected her, she made a nest and had 4 kittens. Penny was a wonderful Mum, and I was lucky to find caring homes for all the kittens. Penny is now about 10 years old, and her kidneys have started to fail. She is now doing well on a special renal diet, recommended by the vet. I have renal food especially delivered from Zoo tienda, and although it is very expensive, the cost is worthwhile to keep Penny well.



Tyson was a tiny kitten who appeared about 2 years ago on a colony I feed. He was just a regular dark brown kitten, and once he matured grew a long thick lustrous coat. Tyson’s longest whisker is 8.5 centimeters. I named him especially as he is a domestic terminator, destroying everything that moves.. flies, birds, bats…. nothing gets out alive. Tyson weighs 12 kilos, and is a big softie, with never a bad temper or snarl. He is particularly caring and nurturing with our kitten, allowing her to bite his rear end and punch him. The maximum penalty for this kitten behaviour is a hiss, and a slap.



about 5 years ago, I found tiny Lulu terrified and traumatised in a drainage ditch by the side of a busy road. Sadly, she was with another kitten which was killed further down the road. I rushed home for a can of cat food and a carrier. She was starving, and I was able to catch her quite easily. I put her alone in a quiet room overnight to recover from the shock. Lulu is a very sensitive cat, and the most antisocial of my cats. She prefers to be alone or with just one other cat. If a large number of cats are around her, she becomes bad tempered and sprays to mark her territory. Lulu needs and demands 10 minutes of stroking and attention every day. Lulu has a low level of touch tolerance, and if stroked for too long she will lash her tail and bite.

They Need Your Help!

Owning cats is great and good fun and we would love you to have your own cats too.

Fostering cats is a wonderful alternative until they are ready for their furever home.

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