Who Is Animal Help Espania

“Don’t look away where others close their eyes.

Go where others turn away.

Doing what others only talk about.

Quite simply animal welfare.”

This is how one could describe the motto of Animal-Help-Espania and the motivation of the volunteers.

Animal Help Espania

Animal Help Espania

Alleviating the Plight of Animals

Animal Help Espania is an animal charity established in Germany in 2006 and is dedicated to alleviating the plight of abandoned animals.

A large part of the work is dedicated to the placement of animals from Spanish partner animal shelters in Germany.  This relieves the pressure on the rescue stations on site, creating space for the reception of further homeless animals.  Helping to reduce suffering and focusing on animals that have no chance of placement in Spain.

Animal Help Espania recognise the importance of animal castration campaigns in Spain and reducing the uncontrolled reproduction of unwanted animals.  They work together with Spanish animal rescue partners, to support castration campaigns on-site.

Strengthening animal welfare on the ground

Animal Help Espania (AHE) places importance on the financial support of the Spanish partners. Monetary donations, donations in kind and active participation all contribute as well as cooperate with local partners.

Feeding wild cats and dogs is also an important part of animal welfare, AHE supports animal shelters, as well as private animal rights activists and feeding places, with food donations.

Anchoring the idea of animal welfare in people’s minds

In the southern Mediterranean countries, animal welfare is generally rather poor. AHE cooperates with Spanish partners, to sensitize the population, especially decision-makers, to animal welfare. Only in this way will future generations act and think differently. A change cannot be achieved overnight and cannot be forced.  AHE works to carry out educational work on animal welfare in Spain and Germany.

And why in Spain?

Members of AHE have lived in Spain, experienced the suffering of the animals up close and want to help. Today we live in an open Europe and AHE shows solidarity and helps where it is needed. The work carried out in Spain complements the animal welfare provided in Germany.

Even if it sometimes seems as if nothing will change, a lot has changed for every single animal that is allowed to come to Germany and join its new family.  You too can help!


Join in, get involved and then be rewarded with a satisfied purr or happy tail wagging. There is something for everyone.

Become a member

As a member, you secure the running costs with your membership fee. Animal welfare costs money: castrations, operations, visits to the veterinarian. Without these measures, animal welfare will not work. Community makes you strong. Small contributions can go a long way. Simply be part of a whole. The membership application can be found on the website  animalhelpespania.de

Become a foster home

Can you imagine offering a temporary place for a dog or cat coming from the south?  Even if it takes longer to find a final happy home.

You don’t expect a perfect dog or cat? Because every beginning is difficult, even for a four-legged friend.

Are you willing to show patience with animals that usually come from bad circumstances and still have a lot to learn? How you will benefit from their gratitude.

Is it nice for you when the dog or cat is adopted?  In the new homes, the animals receive that same attention and care. AHE work with foster homes on a long-term basis.

Curious? Find out more:

AHE  look forward to any support. There are many tasks: from the organization of advertisements to the transport of the animals from Spain. For the welfare of the animals, these tasks are just as important as the care of the foster homes. You just have to bring some time, depending on the task also some experience in dealing with PC, email and the Internet.

Curious?  Find on Facebook: Animal Help Espania 

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