Ways You Can Help Abandoned and Abused Pets

As someone who loves animals, it can sound hard to believe anyone would hurt one.

Unfortunately, animal cruelty is still quite prevalent, as are neglect and abuse.

Although it may be shocking, too many animals are abandoned, abused, and forced to face unspeakable cruelty.

All animals should be nurtured and loved, and the positive news is that you can find ways to help these mistreated animals.

If you are interested in making a difference, this article presents some ways to help.

Help Abandoned and Abused Pets

Help Abandoned and Abused Pets

Volunteer at a Shelter

Many shelters are brimming with animals that need someone to care for them. There are many shelters looking for volunteers to walk dogs, handle routine feeding, and play with kittens. Most shelters will take however much help you can provide. Any amount of time you can commit to these animals will provide crucial support.

Although most animal lovers are eager to play with shelter animals, there may be ways to apply your skills in other ways, too. Inquire if they need any help with bookkeeping or filing. Or perhaps you have experience with fundraising or even social media. Many shelters don’t have time to update their websites or social media profiles. Your contributions in these areas could make a huge difference in increasing adoption rates.

If the shelter is in an area close to other businesses, ask if you can take pets out for walks in the community. Areas with high walk scores, like these, can be great places to socialize dogs who may not have had good experiences with people or other animals. Just be careful with these interactions since the shelter dog may act unpredictably in new social situations.

Donate Money

If you don’t have time to volunteer, consider donating money, food, or supplies. Visit local animal shelters to see if they need any kind of assistance. One idea you could also explore is starting a fundraiser for the shelter. Spread the word on social media to get more of your friends to donate to the program and help pets in need.

Most animal shelters are nonprofit organizations, so they rely on support from individuals and corporations to keep running. When these donations get low, every aspect of the shelter is affected, from maintenance to veterinary care and food. Any support you can provide or generate would be greatly appreciated by the shelter staff.

Adopt a Shelter Pet

If you can accommodate a pet in your home, adopt a shelter pet and give the abandoned animal the love they deserve. Being adopted is every unhomed pet’s dream, and it saves the animal from loneliness and the possibility of being euthanized. Before you get the pet, make sure that you are ready to be a pet owner. Some adopted pets have experienced trauma and can be slow to adjust. It’s important that you are prepared to handle all of the possible responsibilities involved in this adoption.

Foster Abandoned Animals or Start a Nonprofit

You can also help animals and shelters by fostering an abandoned or abused animal. Inquire with shelters about these animals. Some people choose to pay to adopt the animal and then foster and re-adopt them later. This process is especially helpful if an animal has been in the shelter for a long time. There are also many organizations looking for the best foster parents. Doing this offers the pet a good place to stay while waiting to find a forever home. It helps with socialization and offers much-needed love.

If you have specialized training in animal care or are especially passionate about helping abandoned or abused animals, consider starting a nonprofit to care for these animals. It’s best for your donors and board members if you officially register as a nonprofit corporation. You and your board will then receive limited liability protection, and your organization will also receive tax advantages and many discounts on business-related items. It will also be easier for your nonprofit to find grants.

Report Animal Abuse and Neglect

If you’re a witness of animal abuse or neglect, you should do the responsible thing and report the abuse to local law enforcement. You can always find help through a local animal control or humane organization.

If an animal is in immediate danger, make this clear to the office to ensure the report is handled as a priority. Whatever you do, avoid taking matters into your hands. Animals can act unpredictably when in distress, and engaging with them may also put you in a dangerous situation.

Caring for Animals

Every animal deserves love and care, so find any ways you can to help abandoned or abused animals. There are different ways you can offer support, including by donating money or supplies, fostering an animal, or starting your own nonprofit. And if you witness an act of abuse or neglect, always report it. And if you can spare some time, consider volunteering at a pet shelter.

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