Adopting a Kitten or Cat

Are you thinking of adopting a kitten or cat? Cats are amazing companions, and there’s nothing like the bond between a human and a feline friend.

First of all, be sure that you’re ready for the commitment. Cats can live for up to 20 years, so you’ll be in it for the long haul!

Adopting a Kitten or Cat

Just like with any other pet, there are some things you should do before bringing your new cat home. Make sure you have a litter box, food and water dishes, and plenty of toys. And don’t forget the scratch posts – cats love to scratch, so you’ll need something for them to scratch or they’ll use your furniture instead.  A cat tree is also ideal to provide vertical space.

And finally, the most important thing – be prepared to spend a lot of time with your new feline friend. Cats need love and attention just like any other pet, and if you’re not willing to give them that then maybe adopting a cat isn’t the best idea.

When you finally bring your new cat home, take things slow. Allow them time to adjust to the new surroundings before bombarding them with attention.  Prepare a separate room with all their essentials so that they can acclimatise until they feel comfortable socializing.  It is a good idea to keep windows closed and be careful when opening doors.

At first, cats will feel stressed and afraid in a new environment, and you should allow several days before introducing them to the whole house and any other animal companions.  Once the new cat is more confident, they can sniff noses with their new housemates, through a slightly open door. 

Questions to consider when adopting a kitten or cat:

1. An important thing to consider is your living situation. If you live in a small apartment, you may not have enough space for a lively cat. Conversely, if you have a house with a garden, you may want to get a cat that can spend time outside. Two is company.  If you work long hours, adopting two cat friends, or siblings from the same litter, could be the answer. Single kittens may develop Single Kitten Syndrome and having a kitten companion for them to play with can make all the difference. Families with children may suit a more active breed that they can have fun playing with. 

2. Very young children should always be supervised when around animals. Senior cats are perfect for people who have retired and want a companion to keep them company.

3. Cats require a lot of attention and care. You’ll have to make sure they have plenty of food, water and toys to keep them happy and healthy.

4. Cats can be expensive pets to own. You’ll need to budget for regular vet checkups and vaccinations, as well as food and toys.  A cat which goes outside will need to be chipped.

5. Not all cats like to be held or cuddled. Some prefer their independence and will only come to you when they want something.  They may not always want to be around you.

6. Cats can also be very playful. They’ll keep you entertained for hours on end with their silly antics.

7. Cats can be great companions, often following you around the house and helping you relax after a long day.

8. Cats like to scratch things. A scratching post and cardboard boxes for them to jump in and shrop their claws, will save your furniture.

9. Cats can be litter box trained, but there is always the risk that they may not use the litter box properly. It’s important to keep the litter box away from food and water, as cats don’t like soiling near where they eat.

10. In the end, cats are worth all the trouble! They’re loving, playful creatures who will bring happiness into your life every day.

Once you have made the decision to add a cat or kitten to the family, it’s time to go find the perfect kitten or cat! There are many wonderful cats at animal shelters waiting for homes, so it shouldn’t be too hard to find one that’s perfect for you.

When choosing a cat, consider your lifestyle and what type of personality would fit best with yours. Do you work long hours and need a low-maintenance pet? A Siamese might not be the best choice for you then! The shelter can offer assistance with choosing the right cat for you and your circumstances.  The shelter makes sure the cat is healthy and spayed, can give valuable advice on all aspects of cat care.

Adopting a Kitten or Cat

Questions to ask about Adopting a Kitten or Cat at the Shelter :

What food is the cat eating, and where can you buy it?

What is the cat’s medical history?  This should include information on neutering, vaccines, chip and pet passport.

Has the cat been visiting a particular vet, who will have their details on file?

Are there any favourite toys, and can these toys be taken with the cat?

Can you take the cat’s blanket with their familiar smell?

It is worth remembering that the behaviour of cats in shelters is not always an accurate indicator as to how they will behave once at home.  Shelters can be frightening places for cats, with unfamiliar noises, sights and smells, and many cats can feel overwhelmed, and reluctant to interact with people.

Once cats gain confidence in the safety of your home, they may be very different from how you expected.  Cats which seem unhappy and nervous in the shelter, often undergo a transformation and become bold and playful once happily settled

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