Tapeworm Dewormer for Cats
The article tapeworm dewormer for cats gives you an insight on tapeworms and how to treat your cat. Tapeworms have long, flat, segmented bodies up to a metre in length, and live in the intestines.
Tapeworms appear similar to small grains of rice or sesame seeds on the faeces, under the tail, or elsewhere on the body.
Tiny white worms and worm segments may appear on the rear end.

How to remove Tapeworms from Cats?
One of the most common ways of transmitting tapeworms is through infected fleas. This is especially true if you have an outdoor cat that hunts or has access to hunting grounds. Cats become infected by ingesting an intermediate host, such as a mouse or a bird, that carries the tapeworm.
The best way to prevent your cat from contracting tapeworms is to make sure it gets an appropriate amount of food every day, and protect against fleas. It will help if you can keep your cat indoors, although this isn’t always practical or possible.
If your outdoor cat does contract tapeworms, it will need to be treated with tapeworm medication. Treating tapeworm infestation is a dual process, necessitating the treatment of fleas and ticks at the same time. Flea and tick preventive medication should be used throughout the year.
A vet can evaluate a faecal sample and any worms collected from the cat, and recommend one or a series of injections or oral medications to kill tapeworms. Tablets can be crushed into the cat’s food, or administered whole disguised in pill pockets or cat sticks.
Severe cases may require multiple doses, and re-infestation is common. Deworming medication causes the tapeworm to dissolve in the gut, and the tapeworm is then digested, without any sign in the litter tray.
Worming treatments should be repeated every 4-6 months for indoor cats. Outdoor cats are more vulnerable to infections, and treatment should be repeated every 3 months.
Kittens should be routinely wormed at four weeks old since they could already be infected with worms, transmitted from the mother’s milk. They are too young for home remedies and should be taken to the vet, for specialist treatment.
If an infestation does occur, the environment must be flea treated along with the cat to prevent recurring infestations.
What are the Signs of Tapeworm Infestation?
How long does it take to kill tapeworms in cats?
The period of time to clear tapeworms depends on the severity of the infection and the method of treatment. Commercial wormers take 24 hours to clear the infestation from the cat’s body, home remedies can take around two weeks.

It is indeed possible for humans to get tapeworms although it is very rare here in this article we however only concentrate on Tapeworm Dewormer for Cats.
Common medications include :
1. Piperazine
An organic compound belonging to a class of drugs known as anthelmintics. These drugs target the worm’s nervous system and neutralize them. The cat’s body is able to flush them out of the system and eliminate the infection.
Treatment should be given directly shortly after the pet has eaten or been added to food. Cats and kittens (6 weeks or older): half teaspoon per 5 pounds of body weight. Following the first dose, follow up with a second dose on day 14.
2. Pyrantel Pamoate
This anthelmintic is a combination of pyrantel and pamoic acid and paralyses tapeworms, roundworms and hookworms. Pharmaceutical companies combine pyrantel pamoate with praziquantel to treat tapeworms and febantel for whipworms for a more complete treatment for intestinal parasites.
It is easy to administer and is inexpensive. A single dose varies between 2.5 mg/lb and 5 mg/lb (5 mg/kg and 10 mg/kg). Follow-up treatment can be repeated in 2-3 weeks.
Kittens between 2 to 12 weeks of age can be routinely treated with pyrantel every 2-3 weeks, especially if they have a high infection risk.
Lactating cats can be treated 2-3 weeks after giving birth, to avoid contaminating kittens with parasitic worms. Particularly safe when the precise dose is used for pregnant or young kittens.
3. Fenbendazole
A broad-spectrum benzimidazole anthelmintic to treat gastrointestinal parasites including tapeworms, roundworms, hookworms, threadworms and whipworms. Fenbendazole is best known as the over-the-counter medication Panacur C. Treatments can be started from 6 weeks of age.
The recommended dose is 23 mg/lb (50 mg/kg) once daily for 3 days and follow-up treatment is repeated in 2-3 weeks.
4. Praziquantel
A safe, effective treatment for tapeworms, can be administered by injection or tablets.
Praziquantel paralyzes the tapeworm, making the phospholipid integument (skin) of the tapeworm permeable to sodium, potassium, and calcium ions. The influx of calcium ions paralyses the tapeworm’s nerve system, the worm’s suckers release the grip on the bowel wall and it is passed out through the faeces.
Medications containing praziquantel are Drontal tablets, Droncit injections, Milbemax tablets, and Profender drops.
Drontal tablets: Contains praziquantel against tapeworm and pyrantel which is effective against roundworms
Droncit injection: Contains praziquantel and is solely effective against tapeworms (no efficacy against roundworms).
Milbemax tablets: Contains praziquantel against tapeworm and milbemycin against roundworms.
Profender spot-on drops applied to the skin on the back of the cat’s neck: Contains praziquantel against tapeworm and emodepside against roundworms.
Commercial tapeworm treatments can be expensive and may compromise the cat’s natural gut health, reducing nutrient absorption and leading to deficiencies.
Approximately 2% of cats have mild side effects after oral dosings, such as sickness, diarrhoea, or reduced appetite. In the event of side effects, call the vet immediately.
Natural home remedies for tapeworms can save money and offer the cat a more gentle treatment. These remedies should not be used for cats with additional symptoms such as fever. Home remedies require about two weeks to kill tapeworms.
Natural home remedies for tapeworms:
Pumpkin seeds: highly anti-parasitic and full of healthy vitamins and minerals, these seeds contain a compound that paralyzes parasites and helps the body to eliminate them. They are especially effective against tapeworms.
Add approximately 1 teaspoon of finely crushed pumpkin seeds to your cat’s wet food for at least 3 weeks.
Herbs such as Neem, Cloves and Wormwood, black walnut, sage leaf, black and fennel seeds, and papaya leaves have bactericidal and cleansing properties, which are also effective dewormers.
Worming treatments should be repeated every 4-6 months for indoor cats. Outdoor cats are more vulnerable to infections, and treatment should be repeated every 3 months. Flea and tick preventive medication should be used throughout the year.
Apple cider vinegar can be used to kill and repel the fleas which carry tapeworm larvae. Flea treatment is the most effective preventative against tapeworm infection. Mix 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with 8.5 fluid ounces of pure water, and spray the cat paying particular attention to the back of the neck and along the spine.
Tea tree oil kills fleas and flea eggs when applied in small amounts along the spine of your cat.
The most effective commercial flea treatments are those containing fipronil (Frontline, Frontline Plus, and Efipro) as well as selamectin (Revolutions US, Stronghold UK).
Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth
Food Grade Diatomaceous earth is a type of rock formed by the fossilized remains of organisms called diatoms.
The earth has sharp edges even when grounded, and cuts and kills the parasites living in the cat’s digestive system.
The recommended measurement is two teaspoons added to the cat’s wet food. Food-grade diatomaceous earth should be fed for a minimum of 30 days.