Preventing Tapeworms in Cats

Because deworming medication works to flush the worms out of your cat’s system, it does not have any preventative action.

Thus, a cat that has been treated with worms can easily become re-infected.

This can be immediate, but it can take around three months for the new tapeworms to mature and grow to a size that will cause your cat harm.

Preventing Tapeworms in Cats

Preventing Tapeworms in Cats

One of the most common ways of transmitting tapeworms is through infected fleas.

This is especially true if you have an outdoor cat that hunts or has access to hunting grounds.

Cats become infected by ingesting an intermediate host, such as a mouse or a bird, that carries the tapeworm.

How Can I Minimize the Risk of Worm Re-Infection in Cats?

Once you have eliminated tapeworms from your cat and your household, you’ll want to keep the risk of re-infection to a minimum. Besides this, the prevention of worms in cats is far easier than treatment. 

Think also in quarantine your cat for a period of time.

As a guide, here are the best tips on how to minimize the risk of tapeworm infections:

How do I Prevent Tapeworm Infection?

  • After deworming, you should thoroughly clean your house, and disinfect the litter box, food and water bowls. This is important to get rid of surface worms and eggs and avoid re-infection.
  • Flea Prevention Medication – Flea Prevention Medication is essential to prevent your cat from contracting tapeworms.

It is advisable to give cats flea prevention medication throughout the year, regardless of whether your cat goes outside in all seasons.  Ensure you give the correct dosage for your cat’s size and weight.

It is good practice to deworm and flea treats all new animals that enter your home.  This enables you to be sure of their good health and protects your other pets.

  • Keep your cat indoors – Outdoor cats hunt rodents and birds, that could be infected with worms. Outdoor pets also dig in gardens and soil, increasing the risk of contracting worms.
  • Deworming and defleaing other animals that share the home – including dogs and rabbits.
  • Regular Veterinary Appointments.  It is a good idea to give cats a regular vet examination, to ensure good health and catch any problems early.  Vets can perform a faecal test, to identify the presence of parasites and the most effective treatment.

Commercial Flea Treatments to prevent Tapeworm

The most effective commercial flea treatments are those containing fipronil (Frontline, Frontline Plus, and Efipro) as well as selamectin (Revolutions US, Stronghold UK).

Natural Flea Treatments

Apple cider vinegar can be used to kill and repel the fleas which carry tapeworm larvae.

Mix 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with 8.5 fluid ounces of pure water, and spray the cat paying particular attention to the back of the neck, top of the tail, and along the spine.

Tea tree oil kills fleas and flea eggs and can be applied in small amounts along the spine of your cat.

Conclusion Preventing Tapeworms in Cats

Tapeworms in cats are a very unpleasant and potentially dangerous problem. Preventing tapeworms is always far easier than treatment, so we’ve collected some of the most effective commercial flea treatments for you to consider using on your cat and household.

Natural flea treatments like apple cider vinegar may also help prevent re-infection by killing and repelling the fleas which carry tapeworm larvae. Deworm your cat today with one of these natural or chemical options!

Frequently Asked Questions Preventing Tapeworms in Cats

How To Prevent Tapeworms in Cats?

British Shorthair

There are a few things you can do to help prevent tapeworms in cats.u003cbru003eu003cbru003eOne is to keep your cat’s litter box clean and to dispose of the waste regularly.u003cbru003eu003cbru003eAnother is to make sure your cat eats a balanced diet and doesn’t eat too much processed food.u003cbru003eu003cbru003eAnd finally, you can get your u003ca href=u0022 data-type=u0022postu0022 data-id=u00222076u0022u003ecat dewormed regularlyu003c/au003e, especially if you live in an area where there is a high risk of tapeworm infection.

Will Cat Tapeworms Go Away On Their Own?

Older Cat

Tapeworms are parasites that can infect both cats and dogs. They can be prevented by keeping your pet’s vaccinations up-to-date and using flea and tick prevention products.u003cbru003eu003cbru003eIf your pet does become infected with tapeworms, they can be treated with a deworming medication.u003cbru003eu003cbru003eHowever, it’s important to remember that u003ca href=u0022 data-type=u0022postu0022 data-id=u00222225u0022u003etapeworms can be dangerous to humansu003c/au003e, so if you think you may have been infected, see a doctor right away.

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